After a very long ride, and a
somewhat challenging ride
on a Russian airliner from
Moscow to Vladikavkaz, we
arrived. My son Jesse and
I are staying at the guest
quarters of the most effective
Osetian Missions effort
in Russia. Our quarters
are just a few kilometers
away from Beslan.
Tuesday the 14th, we traveled
to the School #1 ruins in
Beslan to lay a wreath on
behalf of those we represent
in the Columbine community,
the State of Colorado, and
our beloved nation, the
United States of America.
The banner on the wreath
read in Russian, "We
are mourning with you, from
the Columbine Community
of Colorado, USA."
My son Jesse and I set the
wreath together at the entrance
of the school, and then
went inside to inspect the
we found was beyond human
language to describe. The
entire building was bombed
out, with bullet holes and
schrapnel pits throughout
the interior. Huge holes
were blown in the ceilings
and floors, were pre-positioned
explosives were set months
before by "renovations
workers" who were in
reality working for the
Islamofacist terrorists.
Parts of the building had
the walls and roof blown
off, and all the windows
were broken. The interiors
of the classrooms were destroyed
by the blasts. The most
disturbing thing however,
was the large number of
drying pools of blood, bits
of human flesh, and many
hand-prints in blood on
the walls, mostly very small
handprints, of the children.
been told stories that reveal
a brutality and viciousness
that cannot be uttered without
being defiled by the telling
or the hearing of it. Little
girls raped as young as
3rd grade, then shot. Children
shot in the arms of their
mothers by the terrorists
because they couldn't stop
crying for thirst. Children
desperately drinking their
own urine for thirst. Unspeakable
things besides. My mind
and heart are reeling at
the scope and imagination
of the terrorists who carried
out murders with zeal while
shouting out praises to
allah. I am not exagerating.
The pictures below give
you a glimpse of the hell
these hundreds of victims
endured. Look upon them
and thank God that you live
in a nation with courageous
leadership that defies the
evil of terrorism by striking
at it before it spreads
it's hatred and vicious
murder yet again on our
reports later as things
develop... Pray for us.
are pictures of equipment
used by the terrorists... Below
are pictures of the new
cemetery created to receive
the bodies of the children
and adults killed and recovered
from the school. We laid
a wreath here also, in commemoration.
letter and flowers are from
the Israeli Government,
placed on each and every
grave, and all around the
school perimeter with condolences
from the people of Israel.
Our presence here is touching lives!
you for your continued
support for this outreach.
Tax-deductible donations may be sent
8552 S. Ault
For an even faster donation, you may use your Visa or MasterCard to make
a secure donation through PayPal.
click on the donation button on the website!
Please visit our website often for updates. I am attempting to post new
pictures each day.
Thank you so much, or, as they say in Russian,