September 18, 2004
The longer I'm here, the more I fall in love with these people. The Osetin people are really some of the kindest, most hospitable and generous people I've met anywhere in the world. One of the most notable things about these folks is their intense love of their children. They treasure their children more highly than anything they have, and that is why this terrorist attack against these helpless children is so dispicable.
For the past several days we've visited hospitals, homes, and walked the ruins of the Beslan #1 school. Tomorrow night, weather permitting, we will go there at twilight and light the Columbine Torch. We will also do so at the new cemetery outside of town with the 200+ graves.
The following pictures really touched our heart, and I hope you enjoy them as much as we did.
Dr. Bruce Porter
This ten-year-old was shot in the face and back. Another miracle.
![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Boy-shot-cheek.jpg)
![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Boy-shot-shake.jpg)
![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Hannah's ltr.jpg)
![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/BoyWaves.jpg)
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![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Bruce-girl3.jpg)
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![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Bruce-kid.jpg)
![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Girl-in-bed.jpg)
![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/GirlSmiles.jpg)
![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Jeff&Bruce.jpg)
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![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Kidz1.jpg)
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![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Kidz3.jpg)
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![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Kidz5.jpg)
![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Kidz.jpg) The little boy above with the stocking hat is named Tomas, and he was shot in the head. The bullet grazed the left side of his head just above his ear. Just a fraction of an inch closer and he would have died. He was so joyful to see us, and later gave us a thumbs up and said loudly, "USA OKAY!"
![](Graphics/Beslan Pics/9-17 Pics/Letter.jpg)
Our presence here is touching lives!
Thank you for your continued support for this outreach.
Tax-deductible donations may be sent to:
Torchgrab Ministries
8552 S. Ault Ln.
Morrison, CO
For an even faster donation, you may use your Visa or MasterCard to make a secure donation through PayPal.
Just click on the donation button on the website!
Please visit our website often for updates. I am attempting to post new pictures each day.
Thank you so much, or, as they say in Russian, “Spaciba!”
Your servant and brother,
Dr. Bruce R. Porter