
 Team of Three (Bruce, Jesse & Translator)

First of all, please allow me to thank each of you who so generously gave to this project! Your generosity and trust in me was deeply appreciated. If you should have any questions regarding any part of this report, please do not hesitate to contact us.

I am planning to create a documentary film about our experiences and time in Beslan. I have nearly 6 hours of video, and hope to have something ready for release by early next year. Your prayers and support for this would be greatly appreciated, as such projects can be rather expensive. As things come together on this project, I will post news of it on this website. I feel it will be vitally important to tell the stories of this terrible event in order to keep support coming for these poor people. Also, I feel it is imperitive that people in the West be prepared for the very real possibility that such acts of vicious terrorism could happen again.

Thanks again!

Bruce Porter

AirFares: Den-Moscow-Beslan R.T.


Visa & Document Fees:


Misc Travel Equip & Svcs:


Lodging & Ground Trans:


Operations Expenses


Donated to Families in Russia:


Donation to Children of Beslan Fund


Donation to Dorcas Fund


Total Expenses




Total Donations Received:


The above figures are obviously rounded to the nearest dollar, and represent some amounts that had to be estimated in good faith because some expenses in Russia were paid in cash and no receipt was available. I was in Russia for exactly two weeks.

The Children of Beslan Fund is a project set up by my good friend, Congressman Tom Tancredo and his wife Jackie. Tom and Jackie were in Russia at the same time I was, visiting hospitals in Moscow, meeting with Russian officials, with Tom coming down to Beslan also for a visit to the school and cemetery to bring the condolences of the United States Congress. Jackie speaks Russian, and they were highly effective during their visit. They have set up this fund, which we hope will grow, to help provide ongoing aid to the people and children of Beslan as they struggle to put their lives back together.

The donation to the Dorcas Fund is going directly to my good friend Peter Lunichkin, who is the Founder and Director of the North-Ossetian Mission of Christian Compassion in Vladikavkaz. I stayed at Peter's ministry and can recommend his ministry without the slightest reservation. Recently, Peter wrote the following email describing a wonderful project that will put the Good News into the hands of each child hurt in the Beslan massacre. I shall include the Russian version (for those of you who can read it) as well as the English translation. Peter told me that each CD player and all the disks and literature will cost only $100 each. This is a powerful tool!

----- Original Message -----
To: Bruce Porter
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 11:09 PM
Subject: Info


Северо-Осетинская Миссия Христианского Милосердия предлагает принять участие в проекте «ЛИЧНЫЙ ПОДАРОК» Только Бог может утешить боль и успокоить пострадавших детей. Только у Бога есть надежда даже после смерти. У нас есть желание помочь пострадавшим детям и их родителям получить такую надежду на Бога и на вечную жизнь. Бог касается сердец через Слово Божие и пение, поэтому мы планируем подарить каждому ребёнку, находившемуся в разрушенной школе, по-настоящему христианский подарок:

СD плейер
5 дисков с песнями детской христианской групы "Тропинка"
2 диска с песнями Бориса Бережного, группа «Благовестие», Москва
диск с аудиозаписью Евангелия от Иоанна
Детскую Библию Открытий
подписку на журнал "Тропинка"

Мы хотим сделать каждый подарок личным, т.е. от конкретного человека или церкви конкретному ребёнку. Важно, чтобы дети почувствовали за этим подарком любовь Божию через общение с христианами, поэтому вам будет выслан адрес ребёнка, который получил ваш подарок, для дальнейшей переписки.

Планируется подготовить подарки для 700 пострадавших детей.

Стоимость одного комплекта составляет 2500 рублей.

Наш расчетный счет:
АКБ Банк Развития Региона
БИК 049033764
Корр. счет: 30101810500000000764
ИНН 1504024965

North-Ossetian Mission of Christian Compassion invites you to take part in the project of PERSONAL GIFT FOR SUFFERING CHILDREN

Only God can comfort the pain and give peace to the children that suffered. Only God has the hope even after death. We want to help these children and their parents to have such hope in God and eternal life. God can touch their hears through His Word and singing, so we plan to give a truly Christian gift to every child who was in the destroyed school:

СD player
5 CDs with children’s Christian Choir “Tropinka”
2 CDs with songs of Boris Berezhnoy,group “Blagovestie” (Evangelism), Moscow
1 CD with narrated Gospel of John
Children’s Bible of Discoveries
subscription to children’s magazine “Tropinka”

    For those of you who would like to contribute directly to this important project, you may send your checks directly to:

    Dorcas Aid America
    9667  Rodden Road
    Oakdale, CA 95361
    Ph. 209-847-5511
    Fx. 209-838-8716

    All funds will go directly to Peter Lunichkin's ministry in Vladikavkaz and be used as you designate.

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