
An Article on The Socialist Agenda in Our Nation's Schools



*Warning to Parents*

This article contains references to potentially offensive sexual information. It also contains footnoted links to secular websites that may contain foul language or disturbing videos not suitable to younger children. These references were necessary in order to substantiate the veracity of certain points made in this article. Please review the material carefully and feel free to edit before giving it to your younger students for study or reports. However, please do not forwarded edited versions, and this warning must be included.


“Socializing” Our Children
The Radical Left Agenda and the Attack on Home Schooling
by: Dr. Bruce R. Porter 

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

Is The Hand That Rules The World
 From a poem by William Ross Wallace

By educating the young generation along the right lines,
the People's State will have to see to it that a generation of mankind is formed
which will be adequate to this supreme combat that will decide the destinies of the world.

"When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side,'
I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already…What are you?
You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp.
In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community."

"Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state."
-- Adolf Hitler--


A recent ruling by a three-judge panel of the 2nd District Court of Appeals in California attempted to make the practice of home schooling a criminal offense. While stopping short of banning home schooling altogether, the court laid down impossibly high teacher qualifications for parents exceeding that required even of public or private schools. With nearly 200,000 home schooled children in California, we are witnessing the criminalization of an entire sector of California’s population.

Why is this issue so important to these un-elected government officials? Perhaps more importantly, why are such huge numbers of parents "opting out” of the public school system and risking the wrath of the state by doing so?

Could it be that parents are deeply concerned with the abysmal academic quality of a public school education? Well-documented studies have shown conclusively that public schools are turning out students with grade equivalences on par with some third-world nations, in spite of massive annual infusions of billions of tax dollars to feed this insatiable system.

In 1983, the Reagan administration appointed a blue-ribbon commission to report on the state of American public education. The result was alarming. They released a report titled, "A Nation at Risk" and it sent shockwaves across the nation. Politicians made speeches, school officials sputtered their indignation, and little has improved since then. A Christian Science Monitor report in 2003 revealed that our nation’s schools are in as much a crisis now as then.[i] Even the liberal Boston Globe released an alarming report on public education in 2006, calling for radical reforms.[ii]

Perhaps most parents are also not terribly excited about their kids being taught to put condoms on bananas or cucumbers,[iii] or that their God-given gender is a mere happenstance, and they must “explore their sexual identity” even in the primary grades?[iv] Or, could it be that parents of faith are distressed that the entire concept of God, (especially the Christian one) is treated like plutonium in public schools, and replaced with evolution’s “everything-is-an-accident-and-therefore-nothing-has-meaning” delusion of the faith challenged?

Perhaps it just might be that millions of us have finally gone beyond being annoyed, and are completely fed-up with the entire public education apparatus itself, and have every reason to believe that those running it have a far different agenda than simply teaching our children math or science.[v]

It would be instructive to revisit the origins of the public school system, and examine who actually set it in motion in America. If you’ve never been exposed to this information, it might seem extremist. Truth has that effect on you when you’ve lived inside the matrix all your life. Maybe it’s time to take the red pill, and see how far down the rabbit hole goes… --(Reference to the 1999 film, The Matrix)

John Dewey has been called the "Father of Modern Education." What is not widely known is that he was also a totalitarian socialist who envisioned total government control over all education through public schools. He believed that through secular public education, a throng of indoctrinated socialists could be brought to power and transform America into a totalitarian society. The world he envisioned would eliminate the Judeo-Christian paradigm. He built his socialist education dream-house with lumber he borrowed from a book titled “Looking Backward,” published in 1887, by Edward Bellamy, a fellow totalitarian socialist.[vi]

The foundation-stone of Dewey’s vision was his utter rejection of the existence of ultimate truth. Because the very concept of God is an absolute, he dismissed belief in God, and postulated that moral relativism and evolutionary forces govern human existence through chance-random processes. Dewey recognized that deeply held religious convictions, particularly those based upon the Bible, would not be easily eradicated from society, and would require a long period of “progressive” indoctrination in compulsory, public schools.

Eventually, these same students would grow up to be teachers and school administrators themselves who would pass on, perhaps unwittingly, the assumptions and world-views they themselves were indoctrinated with. What better place for this societal transformation to take place but in the minds and hearts of impressionable children? In fact, Dewey’s book, Democracy and Education, was listed by Human Events magazine as fifth in a list of the ten most harmful books of the 19th and 20th centuries.[vii]

Perhaps you are aware that Dewey was a prominent signer of the socialist/atheist Humanist Manifesto?[viii] Secular Humanism is a belief system that utterly rejects the very concept of sin, the existence of God, or any need of forgiveness or salvation. Humanism has an entirely different understanding of salvation, asserting that man is his own god, and any “salvation” must come from his own enlightened efforts.

Dewey championed Darwinian evolution as a means of marginalizing as utter idiocy any belief in God.[ix] Between 1945 and 1953, Dewey’s articles and books virtually amounted to the Americanized version of the Communist Manifesto. His influence helped introduce Marxist socialism into the American culture.[x] History has proven repeatedly that wherever these evil ideologies have gained a foothold, human enslavement, poverty, and misery have resulted.

Dewey disdained those who maintained “originalist” interpretations of the U.S. Constitution. He believed it ludicrous to believe in fixed, unchanging realities.[xi] “Progressivism” demands that such fixed landmarks on the political and societal horizons be removed, and replaced with a socialist totalitarian society free of biblical restraint. He set in motion public education policies that relentlessly sought to identify and eliminate any teacher who continued to hold conservative views. This practice continues to this day, with Christian teachers being reprimanded or dismissed for simply displaying a personal bible in open view upon their desk. For a comprehensive study of how these totalitarian thinkers have influenced American public education, I recommend A Brief Chronology of Collectivism by Eric Samuelson, Attorney At Law (October 1997)[xii]

Recent polls demonstrate that the vast majority of youth today do not believe in the existence of absolute truth, or right and wrong. Due to the effectiveness of the socialist agenda in our nation’s public schools, most of our people’s beliefs are now based on what will make them feel good, or give immediate selfish gratification, without much regard for truthful or ethical standards.[xiii] Throughout his life, he diligently sought to establish a public school curriculum that erodes Christianity and absolute values, slowly replacing them with relativism. He has been remarkably successful over the past century.

Dewey labored successfully to remove from the “accepted” curriculum list the long-established Eclectic Education Series (EES) textbooks which completely dominated American schools from 1865 to 1915. He also targeted Blackstone's Commentaries on the Law. “Tolerant” liberal progressives cannot tolerate views such as the EES textbooks or Blackstone’s Commentaries because they contained ubiquitous references to God and high moral standards. McGuffe’s Readers, part of the ESS series, were particularly hated by Dewey and his cohorts because, as Dewey declared in his own words, public schools should be the "State established church." Blackstone was vilified for teaching that laws ultimately originate from God’s word, and taught that there were certain rights and wrongs that never change with the shifting winds of popular opinion. [xiv]

Dewey’s socialist activism extended to helping establish the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). [xv] The ACLU was founded by an associate of Dewey, Roger Nash Baldwin.[xvi] Baldwin was a member of the Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA), and was a master at the art of deception regarding his true agendas.[xvii] It appears that the deception has been largely successful. Most people look at you askance if you dare to say that the ACLU is a Marxist hack organization.

Dewey was also highly influential in the establishment in 1917 of the National Education Association (NEA). [xviii] Most people are completely ignorant of the true agenda of this organ of the Left, and think it exists to provide a good education to their children. The reality is, however, that the NEA is one of the foremost apparatchiks of public school indoctrination to destroy young minds and turn them into committed little liberal progressives.[xix]

In the 1920s and 30s Dewey became even busier. He foisted his views on progressive evolutionism at Peking University and many other places in China with the liberal progressive, Bertrand Russell. Ironically, Mao Zedong, co-founder of the Communist Party of China (CPC) worked and studied at theUniversity ofPeking during that time, and was introduced to Communism there. Is it not possible that Dewey was a contributing factor in the Marxist Cultural Revolution that occurred there in the late 1940s, and resulted in slaughter of tens of millions of people? [xx]

Totalitarians view state schools as a means to indoctrinate children as loyal wards of the state. School children are encouraged to reject their parent's values and even report on them to school authorities when asked. (“Johnny, how many guns does your daddy have in your house?”) Dewey firmly believed that children had to be reeducated away from the traditional values of their parents, thereby facilitating citizens for the new world order. Has anyone noticed a similar trend in America’s public schools over the past few decades?

Increasingly, “politically correct” revisionist history books that undermine free-enterprise and loyalty to theUnited States are finding their way into our classrooms. Recently, incidents of ranting anti-American, socialist teachers have been captured by students who recorded these indoctrination sessions with digital recorders.[xxi] These reports have been largely ignored by the media and public at large.

Leftist radicals were publishing and promoting textbooks with a socialist agenda even as far back as the 1940s. For example, the Rockefeller Foundation spent millions of (1940) dollars to create history books introducing socialist/atheistic agendas in so-called “approved texts” to local school districts. Did these socialist activists ever stop their agenda? No! Even the California Library Association (a far-left liberal advocacy group) confirmed this fact by posted a scathing rebuttal against conservatives who wanted to stop Marxist indoctrination in the library and school systems in the 40s and 50s.[xxii]

Now we are in the midst of a “Twilight Zone” presidential campaign. The general populace is seemingly enamored with the concept of “Change,” or “Change We Can Believe In,” with hardly a passing thought about what that “change” would actually mean in practical terms. Judging from what we can read between the lines in the political “puff-speeches” by the candidates on the left, we could reasonably expect a radical change toward a socialist “new world” nightmare. After over fifty years of public school socialist indoctrination, our people may be sufficiently dumbed-down to embrace almost any candidate that offers feel-good oratory and tosses out self-esteem like candy in aDisneyland parade. This is playing out just as Dewey and his fellow-travelers envisioned!

I fear we are witnessing the deconstruction of ourConstitutional Republic resulting primarily from the “re-education camps” popularly known as public schools. No longer is this radical agenda found in the Colleges and Universities alone, but the radical left has captured the lower grades in the government schools. While they tout slogans about “tolerance” and “multi-culturalism,” the real agenda is the eradication of all competing beliefs and ideologies, particularly Judeo-Christian ones. Their goal is a one-world socialist order where an elite few rule over the ignorant masses and enslave them.

Some of my friends reading this, who have enrolled their children in the public schools for one reason or another, may feel a bit defensive and perhaps a little offended at this point. Please forgive me, but I cannot hold my peace. Truth is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow. I maintain that you are putting the spiritual and emotional health of your children at grave risk by placing them in these government schools.

The usual defense I get from Christian parents on this is some variation of; “But our school isn’t so bad! We even have some Christian teachers there!” This may be true, and many public school teachers are loving, dedicated people, completely unaware of the dark side of the system they serve. However, you can be sure that these “Christian” teachers are closely monitored and will face censure or dismissal if they communicate in even the slightest degree, their personal convictions about God. There are also certainly varying degrees of the socialist/humanist indoctrination agenda in play at various schools, often depending on how rural that school may be, or individual administrators. However, I maintain that the “agenda” is definitely present, however cleverly masked it may be, even if only by what is excluded from the curriculum.

In light of the above, it is no surprise that California’s radical left Judiciary has now moved to outlaw all home schooling in practicality. They know that Christian private schools and home schools are the last bastion of freedom. They fear that un-indoctrinated home schooled students may rise up and oppose their socialist agenda. Karl Marx called such upstarts “Reactionaries.” The “new world order” zealots must crush all other ideas, especially ones that inculcate a supreme loyalty to the God of the Bible over the state. As a Christian home schooling family, we recognize that we are in a battle that will end in victory, or the destruction of our families and country.

“I know not what course others may take…” –Patrick Henry

I cannot speak for the resolve others may hold regarding this issue, but as a home-schooling father, I will resist with all my might any effort to indoctrinate my grade-school daughter, or my grandchildren, into the socialist “new world order.” This is war. We didn’t seek it, but it has nevertheless come. As the actor Sean Connery said in his King Arthur character in the film First Knight, “There’s a peace to be found only on the other side of war. If that battle must come, I will fight it!”

Will we prevail in our struggle to retain the freedom to educate our children according to our Christian faith with academic excellence and patriotic conviction? Let us pray so, for the price we will pay for defeat is far too great to contemplate. Are we willing to stand for truth and pay freedom’s price yet again? Are there yet among us those who would resist tyranny with “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor?” One thing is certain. If we do nothing, if we refuse to speak out and remain on the sidelines in this battle, we will ensure our defeat and our enslavement.

[i] Twenty years after 'A Nation at Risk' By Marjorie Coeyman | Staff writer of The Christian Science MonitorApril 22, 2003


[ii] Boston Globe Editorial,  Still a Nation at Risk December 15, 2006


[iii] Cucumber-Condom Video Online: Group fighting sex-ed curriculum posts district's how-to footage. Posted:March 11, 2005


[vii] (This comes from a hostile, leftist source)


[x] Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, August 1998


[xi] The Public and its Problems by John Dewey


[xiv] What is the Eclectic Education Series?  A short history:


[xv] John Dewey: The Founder of American Liberalism By Amy Sterling

Casil Published 2006 ISBN 140420508X The Rosen Publishing Group


[xvi] "So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy," ACLU Founder Roger Baldwin said. (Excerpt from the ACLU’s official website).


[xvii] Roger Nash Baldwin (January 21, 1884 – August 26, 1981), civil libertarian, founding member of American Civil Liberties Union, and its first executive director.


[xviii] Chronology of the National Education Association:  The Socialist Vision and Global Connections of the NEA


[xix] NEA Agenda is Frightening to Parents: by Phyllis Schlafly


What About the Children? An interview with John E. Berthoud By: George A. Clowes, Published In: School Reform News,March 1, 2000 The Heartland Institute


[xx] The British role in creating Maoism by Michael Billington. Executive Intelligence Review, November 17, 1995


[xxi]  Out-of-control teacher reinstated after anti-US rant  by: David HuntworkMarch 11, 2006


[xxii] The war on books and ideas: the California Library Association and anti-Communist censorship in the 1940s and 1950s.(The Role of Professional Associations) From: Library Trends9/22/1997 by: Cindy Mediavilla





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