Speaker Information

Bruce R. Porter


Author: The Martyr’s Torch: The Message of the Columbine  Massacre. (Destiny Image) Also the author of a new, soon- to-be-published book; Responding in an Age of Terror. He has written articles for CellChurch and The Minister’s Family magazines, and has been featured in Time, World, and Charisma.

Keynote Speaker Nationally and Internationally: In over 40 nations at Youth Rallies, Government leadership briefings, Conventions, Writer’s Conferences, Churches, & School Assemblies. http://www.sarahstent.com/porter/update5.htm

Director and Producer of Documentary Video: Quest for the Hero Heart, an expose’ of terrorism in New Yorkand Israel. Broadcast on Sky Angel, Distributed by Deeper Calling Media http://www.deepercalling.com (Click on “Deeper Videos” and select second item on page)

Frequent Television & Radio Guest: With the CBN “700 Club” “On Main Street” Lutheran Hour, and “Life Today” with James Robison.   Also radio guest of Dr. Bill Bright, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Issues in Education, MSNBC, The Jane Chastain Show, New York Talk, and scores more. http://cbn.com/700club/profiles/bruce_porter.asp Also   http://www.torchgrab.org/cbn_256k.asf

Member: Civil Air Patrol: (USAF Official Auxiliary) Cadet Program serving nine years as a Moral Leadership Officer, also holding Commercial/Instrument Pilot ratings. http://www.mustangcadetsquadron.org

Fire Dept. Chaplain: Inter-Canyon Fire/Rescue, Morrison, CO  http://www.intercanyonfire.org



For over a quarter of a century, Bruce has not only planted and pastored churches in the United States, but he has ministered in many nations where Christians live in grinding poverty and are often under persecution. He has seen up-close the price many believers pay for practicing their faith in Christ. These experiences have prepared him to deal with many varied situations faced by Christians, and those who lead.


Bruce at FDNY station in New York

Most recently, he experienced firsthand the heartbreaking shock and unspeakable horror of the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. As a firefighter and Chaplain from his local fire department, Bruce ministered in New York City at Ground Zero, arriving six days after the attack.



Drawing from his experience as a pastor and as a Critical Incident Stress Debriefer, he sought to bring comfort and encouragement not only to the victims, but also to rescue workers and firefighters. He came away with a wealth of valuable insights related to coping with unexpected tragedy. Bruce not only worked at the pile, but also in the morgue, bringing comfort to the staff and personnel working there in the midst of their difficult work of identifying the dead.

  A few weeks later, he returned to ground zero with $70,000 collected by his local fire department and hand-delivered checks to several of the widows and families of slain firefighters. As he was leaving New York City for a speaking engagement in England, his aircraft was lined up for takeoff behind the doomed American Airlines flight 587, which crashed minutes after takeoff. The airport closed, and his flight was cancelled. He went directly to the crash site in Queens and ministered to the rescue personnel at the scene. Hours later, he went to the victim assist center at JFK Airport to pray and weep with the family members who lost loved ones.



Rachel Joy Scott

Prior to this, Bruce was deeply and intimately involved in the 1999 Columbine High School massacre. As the pastor of one of the victim families who lost their 17 year-old daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, Bruce gave the eulogy at Rachel’s funeral that was broadcast by CNN around the world to reportedly the largest audience in CNN’s history. In his eulogy, he challenged the youth of theworld to… “take up the blood-stained torch that Rachel had carried… a torch of love, compassion, mercy, and the good news   of Jesus Christ, whom she was not ashamed of even in her hour of death.” Hundreds of people leapt to their feet in the middle of the funeral and held their arms up as if holding a torch. Millions around the world witnessed this history-making moment.


Reaching Out

In 2002, Bruce and his wife Claudia led a team of youth and counselors to Erfurt, Germany to console and comfort the hurting families and friends of the school shooting that took place there in April, 2002. In this tragedy, a 19-year-old student shot dead 13 teachers, two students, a police officer and himself in what is regarded as the country’s worst post-war massacre. The team was comprised of Columbine HS students who were either shot themselves, or witnesses. In addition, the Mother and sister of slain Columbine victim Rachel Scott joined the team.

Meeting with the students, teachers, and members of the community, including the Chief of Police and members of the Erfurt government and law enforcement community, Bruce and the Columbine team brought encouragement, peer counseling, and hope to this devastated city. (See details at: http://www.germandata.com/pages/erfurtshooting.html   http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/B436739.htm

Enriching the Church

For the past five years, Bruce has traveled across the nation, the U.K. and Europe sharing the story of Rachel’s life and her amazing testimony. Hundreds of thousands of people have had life-changing experiences as they hear Rachel’s story of victory and hope, born out of tragedy. He has shared Rachel’s story, as well as other students who died that day, in a book titled; The Martyrs’ Torch, The Story of the Columbine Massacre.

Drawing from a large variety of ministry experiences, Bruce also speaks on a wide range of subjects including but not limited to…

Taking up the Torch: Bruce has conducted many inspirational school assemblies and civic meetings. He has consistently seen standing ovations from formerly skeptical High School and Middle School student audiences as he speaks of the lessons of Columbine H.S. and the higher calling of being a person of character in a “bent” world. As a rally and conference speaker, Bruce’s messages of hope and courage are loosing the Giants of the Land!  His Rally and conference presentations put rocket-fuel in zeal tanks!

Coping Proactively: Bruce speaks of the emotional trauma that people, and even rescuers, often experience in the aftermath of terrorism, accidents, or natural disasters. Drawing from personal experience and interviews with those directly affected in recent events, he brings confidence and encouragement to not only those hurt, but those who get hurt trying to help. He helps people learn to cope with the painful experiences of life with confidence in Christ and the strength of the Holy Spirit.

Preparation for Ministry in Tragedy: How to be an instrument of grace in the midst of tragedy, bringing God’s compassion on the scene of need. Drawing from his experiences of counseling rescuers and victims at ground zero, terrorism attacks, aircraft crashes, and in Israel, he shares practical steps to “on scene” service.

Turning Negatives into Positives: Bruce’s gift of encouragement and humor is contagious! Life’s pain and setbacks are doorways to great opportunities if rightly understood. The enemy of our souls will never have the last word!

Managing Stress & Burnout in Ministry and Public Service: How to recognize it, manage it, and overcome it. Bruce’s pastoral experiences span nearly 27 years, and his many experiences in the field as a missionary, volunteer firefighter and Chaplain makes him no stranger to the stresses of dealing with incredibly horrific emergencies with God’s grace!

Bruce’s messages inspire compassion for people, spiced with appropriate and uplifting humor, has audiences alternately laughing and weeping. His passion is for believers to stand up and be counted in this generation. He challenges audiences of all ages to a deeply committed lifestyle of Christian service and witness, while having fun at the same time!


Virtually stunned-silent student audiences characterize Bruce’s school assemblies. As he tells the stories of courageous heroes who gave their lives for others in the New York terrorist attack, as well as of Columbine High School, one can hardly see a dry eye in the student body. He challenges students to rise to the call of Christ-likeness in their lives by serving others and seeing the higher calling. “I stand among the giants of the land…” He often tells students; “Each of you represent virtually unlimited potential for greatness in this world!  What will be YOUR legacy?  Will you rise to the call, or waste the gift that is you and thereby rob the world of what you can contribute?”

Using multi-media and PowerPoint, Bruce draws from stories of Columbine, Ground Zero, Israel, Erfurt, Germany, and many others, highlighting the lives and examples of heroism of those who left a legacy and example of care and sincere concern for others. He challenges the students to walk a higher path of virtue, integrity, and sincere empathy for people. In past assemblies, many students are moved to action as they glimpse a greater vision for themselves, their fellow students, and their school.

Endorsements & Book Reviews

Mary I. Jumbelic, MD. Chief Medical Examiner, OnondagaCounty, Syracuse, New York. (Bruce served with Dr. Jumbelic for several days in the on-site morgue at the WorldTradeCenterdisaster site)
“We met at Ground Zero, WorldTradeCenter, in September 2001. I was very impressed by your professionalism and compassion…”

Marlene Bagnull, Litt.D, Founder and Director of the Colorado Christian Writers Conference and the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference
“When Bruce Porter speaks, people listen and lives are changed because God's anointing is on him and his words…“

Josh McDowell, Author and Teacher
“Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, needs to read this book!  This is a MUST READ for every student, parent, educator and pastor!  The author has a responsibility to get this book out to every possible reader. It is timely, gripping, and compelling. I cried half the time as I read it, and I'm certain that this book will touch the heart of every person who picks it up. What a great service to the memories of the victim families, and what a great contribution to the church and it's youth!

When I read The Martyr's Torch, I had two thoughts. First, I wished I had written it!  Second, I realized that I couldn't have written it as well as Pastor Porter did!  I highly recommend The Martyr's Torch and will gladly do everything I can to help see that multitudes will find and read it!  A job well done!”

Darrell Scott, Rachel Joy Scott’s Father (Rachel was killed at Columbine H.S.)
“I am Rachel Scott's father and Bruce Porter did an excellent job of portraying my daughter's passion for her faith. His book (The Martyrs’ Torch) will challenge you in a way that few books can. Once you begin reading it, you won't be able to put it down until you finish.”

James Robison, President LIFE Outreach International
“At Rachel Scott’s funeral, Bruce Porter delivered a powerful and appropriate message to all of America. …Everything associated with Rachel’s death and funeral was supernatural…I have a wonderful relationship with the great leaders of our world, with spiritual men like Dr. Billy Graham and others that you love. You could name them all off, and I’m glad that I know them, but in my 37 years of interaction with great men, and speaking and seeing the great works of God, the most powerful, clear word I’ve ever heard came forth at Rachel’s funeral. It was the manifest presence of the living God.   …The essence of that message is carried out in his book (The Martyrs’ Torch). Bruce challenges us to “take up the torch” the Columbine victims carried and to dedicate our lives to Kingdom Purposes.”

Art Linkletter, Author and Television Personality
“Thank you… for your book: The Martyrs’ Torch… I know that you agree with me that the most precious thing we touch here on earth is our young people. I hope your book gets a good marketing ride and sells many copies. I was personally astonished to read what happened to all of the Apostles (p. 105). It makes my occasional ache and pain seem frivolous!”

Charlton Heston, Actor, Author and Speaker
“I’m deeply touched by your letter as well as by The Martyrs’ Torch, and want to thank you for both. Your words rest in my heart and soul. I had occasion to speak to a couple of the families involved in the Columbine tragedy. I wish none of them had had to suffer through that terrible time. They, however, echo your sentiments about the cause of the situation. I’m proud to stand together with you and those families. …May God grant all of us His peace and surround us with His grace.”

Jewell Patek, State Representative, MO
“We will not remember 1999 for the parties or the politicians, but rather for Bruce Porter’s challenge to the youth of America to “take up the torch.”

Bill Owens, Governor of Colorado
“In the face of the Columbine shooting, churches and faith-based organizations have demonstrated, once again, their vital role in both service and healing. From Rachel Scott’s writings we know her to be a young woman on fire for the One she believed in, and it is inspiring to hear of other young people “picking up the torch” that she carried with such passion.”

Wellington E. Webb, Mayor of Denver
“This is a book for believers and non-believers alike. The Martyrs’ Torch is a beautiful tribute to the too-short life of an admirable, honest, and heroic young woman, Rachel Joy Scott. We lost her in a tragedy, but it would be a greater tragedy if we did not learn from her example.”

Barbara L. Gentry, Lieutenant Colonel, Civil Air Patrol
Commander, Mustang Cadet Squadron,
Aurora, Colorado
“I have known Bruce Porter since he joined our squadron in March of 1996, where he serves as our squadron's Moral Leadership Officer… In this age when young people are searching for discipline and guidelines, he is helping our cadets become moral young adults for whom integrity is more than just a word on a spelling test.

Recently, Bruce was named Moral Leadership Officer of the Year for the state of Colorado. He would never seek an honor for himself. The outstanding job that he does in the Civil Air Patrol earned him the honor…  We consider ourselves very fortunate to have him as a member of our squadron. We feel we have the best Moral Leadership Officer in the state of Colorado, if not in the nation.

I highly recommend Bruce Porter as a speaker at any school assembly or other gathering of young people. In having him join you in any capacity, you will be greatly benefited.”

Winston Rogers, Principal, BerkeleyMiddle School, Berkeley, MO
“I would like to thank you for visiting BerkeleyMiddle Schooland sharing your personal connection with the tragedy that occurred in your community. Our students were truly saddened by the event and they possessed a strong interest in the situations and conversations that led the two young men to feel so helpless that their solution was to commit such a heinous act. There was much gained.

I would like to personally thank you for the signed copy of your book which I will display in our trophy case as a testament to the fair and equal treatment that all young people deserve and to the attention they crave. May their hearts be filled. I can’t begin to fathom the depth of feelings that you have experienced, but am glad that you have chosen to give of yourself and offer testimony to the memory of those slain, to the strength of those left behind, and to their resolve to help prevent another such tragedy.

Good luck in your efforts to deliver the message across the country. I can assure you that the struggle is not in vain.”

J. Bradley, Principle, FairlandHigh School, Proctorville, OH
"Thank you for bringing the Torchgrab assembly to FairlandHigh Schoollast Friday. I believe the students and staff were very attentive to Mr. Porter’s words. The sight of 450 students sitting on the edge of their seats, listening to every word was wonderful. That is the most concentrated effort of listen I have ever seen for a student assembly.

I hope Mr. Porter and all others connected with these presentations luck and safety as they present their wonderful message. I am sure that at least one of our students was touched more than we will ever know, as I am sure that at each presentation there are students influenced to be who they are and to stand up for their beliefs."

 Barbara Smith, Fifth Grade Teacher, West Jefferson Elementary School, Aspen Park, Colorado
Bruce Porter presented a forty-five minute production to my fifth grade class that I know we will never forget. He used a variety of types of media showing his personal experience at Ground Zero as well as explaining the day to day activities and historical impact of the event. He was able to encourage the students to look at the disaster from many different perspectives. He used photographs, poems and stories to help us understand the effect of this day on children and adults alike. The depth of his presentation created understanding and appreciation for the victims, the survivors and the heroes of September 11, 2001."

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